Tracking by overlaps

This example illustrates the usage of OverLapTrack API by tracking segmented cells by their overlaps.

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%pip install -q --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Importing packages

laptrack.OverLapTrack is an extension of laptrack.LapTrack, which can be used for tracking labeled objects by overlaps.

We also import regionprops_table from skimage to calculate centroids of the segmentation masks.

import napari
from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from laptrack import OverLapTrack
from laptrack import datasets
from laptrack.data_conversion import convert_split_merge_df_to_napari_graph

Loading data

Loading segmentation data and show it in the viewer.

Note: this data is generated by cropping segmentation.npy in .

labels = datasets.mouse_epidermis()
viewer = napari.Viewer()
<Labels layer 'labels' at 0x7fb241233c10>


Tracking by overlap

OverLapTrack API can be used instead of LapTrack to track integer-labeled objects in a image. Note that predict_overlap_dataframe is used instead predict or predict_dataframe, which takes labeled images as the input instead of the coordinates.

For labeled regions with the label label1 and label2 at the frame frame1 < frame2, respectively, the cost function is calculated using four quantities:

  • overlap : the area of the intersection of the labeled regions

  • iou : overlap over the area of the union of the labeled regions

  • ratio_1 : overlap over the area of the label1 region

  • ratio_2 : overlap over the area of the label2 region.

For each connection (tracking, gap_closing, splitting and merging), the cost is calculated by:

offset + overlap_coef * overlap + iou_coef * iou + ratio_1_coef * ratio_1 + ratio_2_coef * ratio_2

The coefficients can be specified by a tuple of 5 floats of (offset, overlap_coef, iou_coef, ratio_1_coef, ratio_2_coef). For example, to use the 1-overlap for first tracking distance and 1-ratio_2 for splitting distance, one can write as follows:

    track_dist_metric_coefs = (1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    gap_closing_dist_metric_coefs = (1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    splitting_dist_metric_coefs = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
olt = OverLapTrack(
    track_dist_metric_coefs=(1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    gap_closing_dist_metric_coefs=(1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    splitting_dist_metric_coefs=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
track_df, split_df, merge_df = olt.predict_overlap_dataframe(labels)
tree_id track_id
frame label
0 1 0 0
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 3 3
5 4 4
parent_track_id child_track_id
0 11 134
1 11 132
2 15 135
3 15 133
4 42 138

Showing clonal cells by the same colors

To check the result, we show the clonal cell regions by the same colors.

new_labels = np.zeros_like(labels)
for tree_id, grp in track_df.reset_index().groupby("tree_id"):
    for _, row in grp.iterrows():
        frame = int(row["frame"])
        label = int(row["label"])
        new_labels[frame][labels[frame] == label] = tree_id + 1
viewer.layers["labels"].visible = False
<Labels layer 'new_labels' at 0x7fb250d453c0>

Adding tracks connecting the centroids

Create coordinate dataframe

Make the coordinate dataframe including the centroids to show the track data in the viewer.

dfs = []
for frame in range(len(labels)):
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        regionprops_table(labels[frame], properties=["label", "centroid"])
    df["frame"] = frame
coordinate_df = pd.concat(dfs).set_index(["frame", "label"])
track_df2 = pd.merge(
    track_df, coordinate_df, right_index=True, left_index=True
frame label tree_id track_id centroid-0 centroid-1
0 0 1 0 0 148.526627 2.278107
1 0 2 1 1 108.118367 3.742857
2 0 3 2 2 62.957143 2.964286
3 0 4 3 3 249.611111 0.222222
4 0 5 4 4 5.279279 3.927928

To check the result, we add the tracks to to a Tracks layer.

graph = convert_split_merge_df_to_napari_graph(split_df, merge_df)
    track_df2[["track_id", "frame", "centroid-0", "centroid-1"]].values,
<Tracks layer 'Tracks' at 0x7fb2457595d0>

Show screenshot

viewer.dims.current_step = (4, 0, 0)
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