Tracking with manually annotated edges

One important feature of LapTrack is tracking particles with preserving the ground-truth (for example manually annotated) point-to-point connections. This notebooks demonstrates its example usage with napari.

[ ]:
%pip install -q --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Importing packages

import napari
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
from IPython.display import display
from import imread
from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from laptrack import LapTrack

Loading data

Load images and show them in the viewer.

images = imread("napari_interactive_fix_data/example_images.tif")
labels = imread("napari_interactive_fix_data/example_label.tif")
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(images, name="images")
viewer.add_labels(labels, name="labels")
original_camera_state =
with open("napari_interactive_fix_data/camera_state.json", "r") as f:
    camera_state = json.load(f)

Calculating centroids of the segmentation

Calculate centroids of each segmentation by regionprops_table.

def calc_frame_regionprops(labels):  # noqa: E302
    dfs = []
    for frame in range(labels.shape[0]):
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            regionprops_table(labels[frame], properties=["label", "centroid"])
        df["frame"] = frame
    return pd.concat(dfs)

regionprops_df = calc_frame_regionprops(labels)
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame
0 3 103.091603 195.816794 0
1 25 151.812048 15.674699 0
2 35 31.552063 43.740668 0
3 59 60.389432 76.156556 0
4 64 125.100457 21.646119 0

Tracking by LapTrack

Tracking the centroids using the default sqeuclidean metric.

lt = LapTrack(track_cost_cutoff=100**2, splitting_cost_cutoff=20**2)
track_df, split_df, _ = lt.predict_dataframe(
    coordinate_cols=["centroid-0", "centroid-1"],
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame_y tree_id track_id
frame index
0 0 3 103.091603 195.816794 0 0 0
1 25 151.812048 15.674699 0 1 1
2 35 31.552063 43.740668 0 2 2
3 59 60.389432 76.156556 0 3 3
4 64 125.100457 21.646119 0 4 4

Adding the tracked data to the viewer

Display the tracking results. The objects with the same track_id is shown by the same label.

track_label_image = np.zeros_like(labels)
for (frame, _), row in track_df.iterrows():
    track_label_image[frame][labels[frame] == row["label"]] = row["track_id"] + 1
viewer.layers["labels"].visible = False
<Labels layer 'track_label_image' at 0x1800c6a70>

Take screenshot of currente state

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
viewer.dims.current_step = (1, 0, 0)
screenshot_before1 = viewer.screenshot()
viewer.dims.current_step = (2, 0, 0)
screenshot_before2 = viewer.screenshot()
<Figure size 600x300 with 0 Axes>

Manual correction

Manually annotate a correct track by placing points using the Points layer.

Here, this step is emurated by loading the data to the layer.

manual_corrected = np.load("napari_interactive_fix_data/manual_corrected.npy")
    manual_corrected, name="manually_validated_tracks", size=10, face_color="red"
<Points layer 'manually_validated_tracks' at 0x181b93520>

Loading manually annotated data

The data from the Points layer and the Labels layer are loaded to get the updated segmentation and annotation results.

manual_corrected = viewer.layers["manually_validated_tracks"].data.astype(np.int16)
# you can also redraw the labels
new_labels = viewer.layers["track_label_image"].data
# get label values at the placed points
validated_track_labels = new_labels[tuple(manual_corrected.T)]
validated_frames = manual_corrected[:, 0]

again calculate the centroids of the segmentation

new_regionprops_df = calc_frame_regionprops(new_labels).reset_index(drop=True)
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame
0 1 103.091603 195.816794 0
1 2 151.812048 15.674699 0
2 3 31.552063 43.740668 0
3 4 60.389432 76.156556 0
4 5 125.100457 21.646119 0
validated_points = np.array(list(zip(validated_frames, validated_track_labels)))
validated_points = validated_points[np.argsort(validated_points[:, 0])]
[[ 0 34]
 [ 1 34]
 [ 2  6]
 [ 3  4]
 [ 4  9]
 [ 5  9]]

Eet the validated edges (track assigments) in terms of the iloc of the dataframe (making use of the index this time).

validated_point_iloc_pairs is the pairs of the ilocs of the validated points

def get_iloc(frame, label):
    df = new_regionprops_df[
        (new_regionprops_df["frame"] == frame) & (new_regionprops_df["label"] == label)
    assert len(df) == 1
    return df.iloc[0].name

validated_point_ilocs = [get_iloc(frame, label) for frame, label in validated_points]
validated_point_iloc_pairs = list(
    zip(validated_point_ilocs[:-1], validated_point_ilocs[1:])
[(33, 69), (69, 88), (88, 132), (132, 182), (182, 230)]
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame
33 34 108.448276 108.586207 0
69 34 92.097561 112.112805 1
88 6 68.569405 116.014164 2
132 4 52.942993 114.076010 3
182 9 36.493888 117.039120 4
230 9 41.824363 113.631728 5

Second tracking preserving manually corrected data

This is the core of this example: we can track the centroids again with preserving the annotation (connected_edges).

lt = LapTrack(track_cost_cutoff=100**2, splitting_cost_cutoff=20**2)
new_track_df, _new_split_df, _ = lt.predict_dataframe(
    coordinate_cols=["centroid-0", "centroid-1"],
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame_y tree_id track_id
frame index
0 0 1 103.091603 195.816794 0 0 0
1 2 151.812048 15.674699 0 1 1
2 3 31.552063 43.740668 0 2 2
3 4 60.389432 76.156556 0 3 3
4 5 125.100457 21.646119 0 4 4
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5 45 55 95.888179 48.552716 5 42 54
46 56 188.176301 71.471098 5 38 55
47 57 20.024096 196.915663 5 11 56
48 58 193.452991 89.854701 5 38 57
49 59 4.693182 191.176136 5 11 58

273 rows × 6 columns

Adding updated data to viewer

Display the updated tracking results. The objects with the same track_id is shown by the same label.

new_track_label_image = np.zeros_like(new_labels)
for (frame, _), row in new_track_df.iterrows():
    new_track_label_image[frame][new_labels[frame] == row["label"]] = (
        row["track_id"] + 1
viewer.layers["track_label_image"].visible = False
<Labels layer 'new_track_label_image' at 0x160c9bc40>

Take screenshots

(the following codes exist to take screenshots of the viewer for the thumbnail.)

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
<Figure size 600x300 with 0 Axes>
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
viewer.layers.move_multiple([3], 5)
viewer.dims.current_step = (1, 0, 0)
screenshot_after1 = viewer.screenshot()
viewer.dims.current_step = (2, 0, 0)
screenshot_after2 = viewer.screenshot()
<Figure size 600x300 with 0 Axes>
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(3, 3))
screenshots = [
for ax, img in zip(np.ravel(axes.T), screenshots):
# camera_state =
# with open("napari_interactive_fix_data/camera_state.json","w") as f:
#     json.dump(camera_state,f)