Example of custom metric

This example illustrates the usage of the custom distance metrics, by tracking segmented cells by their overlaps.

Note that a simpler API for overlap tracking is implemented as OverLapTrack and illustrated here. This notebook uses the custom metric only for the purpose of illustration.

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%pip install -q --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Importing packages

laptrack.LapTrack is the core object for tracking.

We also import regionprops_table from skimage to calculate centroids of the segmentation masks.

To calculate the label overlaps, we import LabelOverlap from laptrack.metric_utils (requires laptrack>=0.9.0).

import napari
from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from laptrack import LapTrack
from laptrack import datasets
from laptrack.metric_utils import LabelOverlap
from laptrack.data_conversion import convert_split_merge_df_to_napari_graph

Loading data

Loading segmentation data and show it in the viewer.

Note: this data is generated by cropping segmentation.npy in https://github.com/NoneqPhysLivingMatterLab/cell_interaction_gnn .

labels = datasets.mouse_epidermis()
viewer = napari.Viewer()
<Labels layer 'labels' at 0x7f89b1313fa0>

Calculating segmentation overlaps

LabelOverlap is an utility object to calculate the overlap between segmentation regions.

lo = LabelOverlap(labels)
overlap_records = []
for f in range(labels.shape[0] - 1):
    l1s = np.unique(labels[f])
    l1s = l1s[l1s != 0]
    l2s = np.unique(labels[f + 1])
    l2s = l2s[l2s != 0]
    for l1, l2 in product(l1s, l2s):
        overlap, iou, ratio_1, ratio_2 = lo.calc_overlap(f, l1, f + 1, l2)
                "frame": f,
                "label1": l1,
                "label2": l2,
                "overlap": overlap,
                "iou": iou,
                "ratio_1": ratio_1,
                "ratio_2": ratio_2,
overlap_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(overlap_records)
overlap_df = overlap_df[overlap_df["overlap"] > 0]
overlap_df = overlap_df.set_index(["frame", "label1", "label2"]).copy()

overlap_df contains the overlap values between every label pairs. The paris with no overlap is ignored.

overlap iou ratio_1 ratio_2
frame label1 label2
0 1 5 88 0.232190 0.520710 0.295302
8 9 0.017176 0.053254 0.024725
13 54 0.091993 0.319527 0.114407
2 1 16 0.050633 0.065306 0.183908
8 187 0.443128 0.763265 0.513736


Create coordinate dataframe

Make the coordinate dataframe including (frame, label) to get the overlap data from overlap_df and the centroid to show the track data in the viewer.

dfs = []
for frame in range(len(labels)):
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        regionprops_table(labels[frame], properties=["label", "centroid"])
    df["frame"] = frame
coordinate_df = pd.concat(dfs)
label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame
0 1 148.526627 2.278107 0
1 2 108.118367 3.742857 0
2 3 62.957143 2.964286 0
3 4 249.611111 0.222222 0
4 5 5.279279 3.927928 0

Define metric function

Here is the core of this example: we can define an arbitrary function as the metric to measure how points are close.

In this example, metric function retrive the pre-computed overlap between the segmented regions, and use

\[1- \frac{\text{(label overlap between frame $t$ and $t+1$)}}{\text{(area at frame $t+1$)}}\]

as the “distance” between the points.

def metric(c1, c2):
    (frame1, label1), (frame2, label2) = c1, c2
    if frame1 == frame2 + 1:
        tmp = (frame1, label1)
        (frame1, label1) = (frame2, label2)
        (frame2, label2) = tmp
    assert frame1 + 1 == frame2
    ind = (frame1, label1, label2)
    if ind in overlap_df.index:
        ratio_2 = overlap_df.loc[ind]["ratio_2"]
        return 1 - ratio_2
        return 1

Execute tracking

The defined metric function is used for the frame-to-frame linking (track_dist_metric), gap closing (gap_closing_dist_metric) and the splitting connection (splitting_dist_metric).

lt = LapTrack(
track_df, split_df, merge_df = lt.predict_dataframe(
    coordinate_df, coordinate_cols=["frame", "label"], only_coordinate_cols=False
track_df = track_df.reset_index()
frame index label centroid-0 centroid-1 frame_y tree_id track_id
0 0 0 1 148.526627 2.278107 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 108.118367 3.742857 0 1 1
2 0 2 3 62.957143 2.964286 0 2 2
3 0 3 4 249.611111 0.222222 0 3 3
4 0 4 5 5.279279 3.927928 0 4 4
parent_track_id child_track_id
0 1 133
1 1 132
2 11 134
3 11 137
4 14 138

Showing clonal cells by the same colors

To check the result, we show the clonal cell regions by the same colors.

new_labels = np.zeros_like(labels)
for tree_id, grp in track_df.groupby("tree_id"):
    for _, row in grp.iterrows():
        frame = int(row["frame"])
        label = int(row["label"])
        new_labels[frame][labels[frame] == label] = tree_id + 1
viewer.layers["labels"].visible = False
<Labels layer 'new_labels' at 0x7f89b584d300>

Adding tracks connecting the centroids

To check the result, we add the tracks to to a Tracks layer.

graph = convert_split_merge_df_to_napari_graph(split_df, merge_df)
    track_df[["track_id", "frame", "centroid-0", "centroid-1"]].values,
<Tracks layer 'Tracks' at 0x7f89cad530a0>
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